Problems in School or University?

Do you feel that you have always had problems with school work but somehow  always managed to “get by”.  Maybe you avoid doing homework and feel as though you are    constantly struggling with reading or writing or math? Your troubles could be due to a medical problem that you are not aware of and never got investigated because you were able to “scrape by”.

Sometimes we do not see such problems until college or university years when demands increase and courses become more challenging. The strategies that used to work for you in elementary and high school may not be as effective in college or university.

If you have ADHD, a learning disorder (e.g. reading, writing, or math disorder), or cognitive deficits relating to brain injury or other neurological problem, you are eligible for specific academic accommodations at school, such a note-taker, extra time on projects and exams, or access to a laptop computer. You will need an assessment to qualify.

A neuropsychological assessment examines areas such as intellectual functioning (IQ), academic skills (reading, writing, math), memory, attention/concentration, processing speed, executive function, and sensory-motor abilities. The results of the assessment will be used to determine your individual profile of strengths and weaknesses and to see if you have a diagnosable disorder.

Recommendations are made on how to help you improve your functioning and home and school. Even if you do not end up being diagnosed, it can be valuable information for success to identify your strengths in order learn how you more effectively work around your cognitive weaknesses.
